Tuesday, November 24, 2009

seven years of mind-boggling conversations

technology always fascinates me. it's always there when you need to do something quicker or better. it's always somehow a solution to every problem.

hailing from a science high school, we were bombarded left and right with what technology has to offer to our society. we were oriented in the back end of it all - programming, equipment that measures this and that.

but i was not swallowed by the system. i was the type of person that skimmed through it all and picked just the technology i really needed e.g. PC and internet circa 1994, beeper circa 1998, cell phone circa 1999,
laptop circa 2002, PDA circa 2003, digital camera circa 2004, iPod circa 2006

i chose the simplest form of gadget that had whatever functions i needed and that was it. actually, i just get the cheapest gadget and maximize the features of such gadget.

now, here comes my boyfriend - the ultra techie guy! you can imagine how inferior i felt whenever he mentions programming languages, niche web sites, new trends and events. but somehow, i had to take it inot stride and absorb whatever he said.

he was the type of guy who learned old and new programming languages in his spare time. i'd buy him during my travels and amazon shopping programming books he could not find here in the philippines. our conversations would be cut short in the evenings and his weekends will be filled with projects from designing, programming to plainly surfing the new for something interesting in the tech world. he is the type of guy who appreciated shrek because of how prince charming's hair moved with such CG grace.

i am the girlfriend of the most innately techie person i know. i had to (at first) pretend i was interested. and try to understand what he was saying. but after a while, it grew on me. his interests made sense and sometimes i would also tell him something interesting. before my first reaction to tech problems was to contact him. but now, i learned the power of google and research.

hopefully this blog will showcase everything moi and i represent - the perfect mix of techie and non-techie insights. enjoy!